Homes & Communities

As housebuilders, the homes and communities we establish constitute the primary elements of our lasting legacy.

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Placemaking & Biodiversity

Closely linked to Homes & Communities, the placemaking and biodiversity of our developments need to harmonise with the local community’s needs, in addition to meeting required planning requirements and legislation.

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Positive Social Impact

Cavanna Homes has a long-standing commitment to delivering social value.

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Cavanna Homes is a business with a long history and a bright future, with every decision we take today having an impact on generations to come, the homes they occupy and the communities where they live.

Our Sustainability Strategy ensures that we make our choices with thought and care, understanding the impact they will have going forward. It means making intelligent choices about the design of our homes, the placemaking of our development sites and the social value we can bring to the communities we help to create.

As a family business with a legacy of our own we see every choice we make as a step towards creating a sustainable, meaningful and lasting imprint on society, working towards a future of which we can be proud.

That means engaging with the existing communities where we plan to build, listening to local people and establishing positive relationships to create projects that accurately and positively reflect the local identity and character with a mix of properties to meet local needs.

Key to that aim is ensuring our developments make a positive environmental impact in line with and where possible exceeding current Biodiversity Net Gain requirements, creating space for wildlife and incorporating sustainable urban drainage solutions.

Adopting up-to-date technology including alternative heat sources using air source heat pumps and district heating networks will help us move away from carbon-based heating systems and further reduce the carbon footprint of our developments.